Tillandsia tectorum

Tillandsia tectorum

Tillandsia tectorum

Catalog number:
  • tillandsia tectorum
  • tillandsia tectorum
  • tillandsia tectorum
  • tillandsia tectorum

tilandsie is an epiphyte. Requires full sun to partial shade. Year-round temperature between 15-25 C and high humidity. Epiphytic way of life determines the method of cultivation. Tilandsie is attached to the trunk, the branches, etc. Plants that are on sale already forming roots (they are in nature only fixing part). Water and nutrients get absorbed by the surface of the leaves. Often spray. Older tilandsie bloom.

The rarer and more expensive tilandsie is supplied as a mature plant size viz. photos. Cheaper size of the Czech production is the last photo.